#405, 609 14 St NW Calgary T2N 2A1



Speak with our Registered Psychologist today to find out more

Areas We Can Help

Are you wondering if your child is gifted? A Gifted Assessment can provide crucial insights into their cognitive abilities and help ensure they receive the best educational opportunities for their future.
Supported Programs
Our assessments are recognized for entry into:

  • Westmount Charter School
  • CBE Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) programs

Admission IQ Testing For Westmounter Charter and CBE GATE

Westmount Charter School in Calgary is a K-12 publicly funded school dedicated to providing an enriched educational experience tailored specifically for gifted students. To be identified as gifted, students at Westmount have been assessed with a Full Scale IQ (FSIQ) and/or General Ability Index (GAI) at or above the 98th percentile (standard score 130 +/- 5)

Application for 2025 school year closes on November 29, 2024

The Calgary Board of Education’s GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) program is designed to nurture the unique abilities of gifted children through specialized curricula and support. It aims to create an engaging and challenging learning environment that fosters creativity, critical thinking, and personal growth.

Contact Us

Pricing Information

Gifted Assessment with Westmount Report: $1,100
This includes:

  • Parent interview
  • Cognitive testing
  • Scoring, file review, and report preparation
  • Feedback session for parents
    Estimated Duration: 5.5 hours

* If your child does not meet the gifted criteria, you can choose to only pay for testing and scoring, which costs $600.

Gifted Assessment, Academic Testing and GATE Report: $1,700
This includes:

  • Parent interview
  • Cognitive and academic testing
  • Scoring, file review, and report preparation
  • Feedback session for parents
    Estimated Duration: 7.5 hours

Insurance Coverage
Many health plans cover part or all of the Gifted Assessment costs. Please check with your provider for details, and we’ll assist you in maximizing your coverage.

Signs Your Child May Be Gifted

If you suspect your child might be gifted, we’re here to help you explore their potential through our comprehensive assessments.

If you’re wondering about your child’s potential, consider these signs:

  • Learns quickly and easily
  • Exhibits an advanced vocabulary at an early age
  • Shows greater maturity and independence compared to peers
  • Has a strong passion for learning and does so without prompting
  • Displays excellent memory and attention span
  • Thinks abstractly and analytically
  • Excels in areas like art, music, math, or science

Giftedness In Very Young Children

Giftedness in very young children can often be recognized by several key indicators, including:

  • Advanced verbal skills
  • Exceptional mathematical aptitude
  • An extended attention span
  • Early capacity for abstract reasoning
  • A noticeable curiosity about time
    (Source: Colangelo, N., Assouline, S.G., and Gross, M. U. M., A Nation Deceived. Templeton National Report on Acceleration, 2004. as cited in ABC Ontario)

Psychologist for Assessments

Carmen Dominguez Innerlogue Psychologist 1

Carmen Dominguez


Clients : Psychoeducational Assessments, Gifted, Autism & ADHD Assessments, Children, Families, Parenting, ADHD, Autism...

Language:  English and French