#405, 609 14 St NW Calgary T2N 2A1

Child and Adult Assessments by Calgary Psychologist


Speak with our Registered Psychologist today to find out more

Areas We Can Help

Our Registered Psychologist is equipped to conduct assessments for both adults and children in various areas, including giftedness, ADHD, mood, psychological functioning, cognitive functioning, and academic abilities. By booking a free phone consultation with us, we can discuss your specific needs and explore the types of assessments that would be most beneficial for you or your child. This initial conversation will help us tailor our services to best support your unique situation.
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Psychoeducational Assessments in Calgary and Alberta

Psychoeducational Assessment

All children have strengths and areas of vulnerability. However, when areas of need are impacting a child’s success at school, a psychoeducational assessment may be needed to help determine appropriate supports. A psychoeducational assessment may be appropriate if a child is demonstrating challenges meeting academic expectations in reading, writing, and/or math. A psychoeducational assessment will help identify specific areas of academic challenges as well as cognitive, social, emotional, or behavioural factors that may be impacting learning. This includes identifying learning disabilities, ADHD, giftedness, and mood disorders. Psychoeducational assessments are appropriate for children in grade 1 and up, and adults who are looking for accommodations for post-secondary education. The psychoeducational report will include recommendations for home and school to better support children’s academic, social, emotional, and behavioural success.

Psychoeducational Assessment Process

A psychoeducational assessment starts with a parent intake meeting to review consent and discuss your child’s strengths and needs. This is an opportunity for the psychologist to learn all about your child and what you hope to gain from completing a psychoeducational assessment.

Next, your child will work directly with the psychologist to complete cognitive and academic testing. Typically, testing is divided over two sessions and is completed in the office.
After testing is complete, the psychologist will continue to gather information through the review of relevant documents (e.g., report cards and previous assessment reports), questionnaires looking at your child’s social, emotional and behavioural functioning, and connecting with your child’s teacher.

Once all information is gathered from parents, testing, and teachers, a feedback meeting can be scheduled to go over the results of the assessment and recommendations that may help your child at home and at school. You will also be provided with a comprehensive written report outlining the results and recommendations of the assessment.


Psychoeducational assessments are billed at a flat rate of $2,750. 

Detailed receipts will be provided for insurance purposes.

Please schedule a free phone consultation to determine which assessment is right for your child.

Child ADHD Assessment

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, affects a child’s ability to regulate their attention, control impulses, and/or manage their energy levels. Children with ADHD may have difficulty paying close attention to details, remembering what they are supposed to be doing, sitting still, or completing tasks that they perceive as hard or boring. Many children with ADHD also struggle with emotional regulation and social relationships. ADHD can impact a child’s ability to show their best work at home and at school. Nonetheless, with treatment, accommodations, and supports, children with ADHD can learn what works for their brains in order to maximize their success.

The Child ADHD Assessment Process

An ADHD assessment begins with a parent intake meeting to review consent and discuss your child’s strengths and needs. This is an opportunity for the psychologist to learn all about your child and what you hope to gain from completing an ADHD assessment.

Next, your child will work directly with the psychologist to complete cognitive testing. Cognitive testing helps identify your child’s strengths and areas of needs, as well as offers an opportunity for the psychologist to observe your child and potential indicators of ADHD.
After testing is complete, the psychologist will continue to gather information through questionnaires looking at your child’s social, emotional, and behavioural functioning, and connecting with your child’s teacher.
Once all the information is gathered, a feedback meeting will be scheduled to review the results of the assessment and recommendations to best support your child moving forward. You will also be provided with a comprehensive written report outlining the results and recommendations of the assessment.

  • Parent Intake Meeting
  • Cognitive Testing
  • Information Gathering
  • Feedback Meeting


ADHD assessments for children are billed at a flat rate of $1,760. 

Detailed receipts will be provided for insurance purposes

*If your child is experiencing academic challenges in addition to attentional regulation difficulties, a psychoeducational assessment, which includes academic testing, will likely be the more appropriate assessment type.

Child Autism Assessment

Autism is characterized by differences in how children socialize, differences in sensory processing and repetitive patterns of behaviours. Autistic children often struggle to socialize with non-autistic peers as their social interactions generally do not consist of typical back-and-forth small talk, are characterized by differences in nonverbal communication (e.g., differences in eye contact and use of gestures when talking), and are often interest driven (e.g., autistic children experience great joy in talking about their areas of interest). Autistic children often prefer routines and self-regulate through repetitive behaviours (e.g., rocking, jumping, hand flapping, etc.). Many autistic children also show differences in sensory processing; this may be hypersensitivity (e.g., loud noises, smells, and textures may be uncomfortable) or hyposensitivity (e.g., your child seeks out sensory stimulation).

*Please note that currently we are only completing Autism assessments with verbally fluent children (5+).

The Child Autism Assessment Process

An Autism assessment begins with a parent intake meeting to review consent and discuss your child’s strengths and needs. This is an opportunity for the psychologist to learn all about your child and what you hope to gain from completing an Autism assessment. In addition to a general intake, the psychologist will also complete a structured interview called the ADI-R that looks specifically at Autism. Next, your child will work directly with the psychologist to complete a play-based autism assessment called the ADOS. If there are some learning concerns, the psychologist may also complete cognitive and academic testing. Fees will depend on presenting concerns and what testing measures are needed to evaluate these concerns. After testing is complete, the psychologist will continue to gather information through questionnaires looking at your child’s social, emotional, and behavioural functioning, and potentially connecting with your child’s teacher. Once all the information is gathered, a feedback meeting will be scheduled to review the results of the assessment and recommendations to best support your child moving forward.You will also be provided with a comprehensive written report outlining the results and recommendations of the assessment.


Autism assessment without cognitive or academic testing (there are no concerns with cognitive function or academic performance, or an assessment was recently completed): $1,760

Autism assessment with cognitive testing (no concerns with academic performance but you would like a better understanding of your child’s cognitive profile): $2,200

Autism assessment with cognitive testing and academic testing (would like a better understanding of the child’s cognitive profile AND there are academic concerns): $3,080

Detailed receipts will be provided for insurance purposes.

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